Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Why Same-Sex Marriage Should Become Legal
April 11, 2011
Ryan Allen

There is a difference between marriage and a civil union. In a marriage, the government fully recognizes your relationship with your spouse. For most of the U.S. though, it is only the heterosexual marriages that are nationally recognized. For many same-sex couples, a civil union is as close as they’ll get to being married. They will not experience the same rights as their married heterosexual counterparts. They will not be recognized as a spouse in a medical emergency. If their spouse passes away, they will their spouse’s families’ permission if they can keep certain possessions. They may not be allowed to adopt. There are many reasons why same-sex couples should be allowed to marry and have the same rights as married heterosexual couples. I will talk about why it is legally right to allow same-sex marriage, why people are advocating for same-sex marriage and equality and how people in the community feel about same-sex marriage. After reading this, I hope you will want to advocate for equal rights for same-sex couples.
There are many people who believe same-sex couples are sinful, I ask you, how so? These people are no different from you or me. Doesn’t the Declaration of Independence say that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” To me this means that we all have the right to happiness, that what ever make you happy in life, is what you should get. That we have a right to choose how we want to live and that we have the liberty to live it any way we want. When it says that all men are created equal, is it really saying that only some people are born equal, while others not included? If we stop for a minute and look at same-sex couples and think, “Are they really that different from us? Don’t they want what I want? A family, a nice job and just to be happy?”, we will find out that God did create everyone equal.
“No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” says the 14th Amendment. This amendment is saying that everyone is should be considered equal. That a state cannot enforce a law that deprives a right of a citizen. So when a state makes a law saying that same-sex marriage is illegal, is that legal in itself? Aren’t they denying the right of life and liberty? When people create laws prohibiting the rights of a group of citizens, that is discrimination and unconstitutional. Same-sex couples should not be discriminated against, and they should be an equal part of our society.
For people who believe in same-sex marriage, it is a better change for society. When I interviewed my pastor, she talked how before Vermont decided to allow civil unions, we as a community had to change. We could not go to sleep one night, then the next morning be able to accept same-sex couples. By changing as a community, we become more accepting for people ideas and beliefs. People against same-sex marriage believe that by allowing same-sex marriage, we change the whole point of marriage, having children. When a man and a woman have a kid, they help the evolution of the human race. By allowing same-sex couples, you stop evolution. I do not believe this to be true. Yes, same-sex couples do not have a biological child from both their DNA, but they are giving a life the support it needs to grow and be part of the gene pool.
We had three panelists come in on Monday the 15th of March. One of the panelists, David Zuckerman talked about how his daughter has a friend who has two moms, and for his daughter, it is just a normal part of life. For my generation, same-sex marriage is not that weird, it is just a normal part of life. When another panelist, Tom Little, was talking about when they were deciding if civil unions should become legalized in Vermont, he talked to his children who were in their late teens. They thought it was no big deal to allow same-sex couples to have civil unions. For many people in our community, same-sex couples are just a regular part of our world.
Same-sex couples are wonderful people, they are just normal people trying to live their lives. They do not bring society down, they help change it so that it becomes a more accepting place. I believe that peoples views on same-sex marriage are changing for the better. We are helping a group of people get more rights that they  deserve.


  1. I think that your opinion is a good one. I think that That gay people should have the same rights as straight people. I think that all of the things you said about this topic are encouraging to make sure that same sex marriage should be legal everywere because it is something that you choose and should not be restricted by the government.

  2. Ryan,

    I agree with the points you made in your editorial.

    I don't see the big deal why two people of the same sex can't have the same marriage rights as two heterosexual people. It doesn't make much sense to me why people are opposed to it. This doesn't seem much of an issue on my radar probably because we leave in Vermont. After reading this I see it is a much bigger deal in other states. I believe as more people become more aware of the issue then community belief will start to change in favor of same sex marriage.

  3. Responding to Blog Editorial:

    Ryan I think that you made some very good points in your paper. I also believe that an individual should have the right to marry whoever they want even if they are of the same gender. Who you are attracted to is not a choice. People can't just force themselves to be with someone there not. All people deserve the right to be happy. If you want to be with someone of the same sex then why should anyone stop you? As you said, "All me are created equal" as stated in the Declaration of Independence. If this is the case then people should have the right to be with whoever they want. You also mentioned why people are against same sex marriage. I can see why some people think that we were put on this earth to reproduce with the opposite sex. I believe that this is the traditional way of marriage. Times have changed. Our world is altering everyday which means we have to accept it. Opposite sex marriage may have been the way of the past but we now have to make laws and decisions based on the future.
